November 25, 2019December 9, 2019U.S. Civil War Prices of slaves on the Eastern Shore of Maryland before the Civil War – Part 1 Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman: Portrait of an American Hero, by Kate Clifford Larson provides the first adult biography of […]
November 16, 2019November 16, 2019U.S. Civil War Indicator of soldier’s pay late in the Civil War. Racial disparity in pay rates. Hymns of the Republic by S. C. Gwynne cites an editorial on May 1, 1864 in the Chicago Tribune titled “Read and […]
November 5, 2019October 28, 2019Roman Empire Pilum – javelin used by Roman Legionnaires. A Pilum (plural pila) was a javelin thrown by Roman Legionnaires to disrupt an enemy line moments before closing for hand-to-hand contact. […]
November 1, 2019December 29, 2019Other eras A few indicators for King Solomon’s wealth – part 3 Previous post took a guess at quantifying the value of King Solomon’s chariots and warhorses. Earlier post estimated the number of warhorses […]
October 30, 2019December 29, 2019Other eras A few indicators for King Solomon’s wealth – part 2 Previous post estimated the number of warhorses King Solomon owned along with citing the number of chariots in his kingdom. Here are […]
October 28, 2019December 29, 2019Other eras A few indicators for King Solomon’s wealth – part 1 King Solomon, ruler from about 970 B.C. through 931 B.C., had both wealth and wisdom beyond compare. One source (didn’t make note […]
October 9, 2019October 9, 2019Viking Era One usuable indicator of the value of a Viking sword. How many weapons you could buy today for that price? What was the price of a Viking sword at the time? How about expressing a price then in some unit of measure […]
October 7, 2019February 8, 2021Viking Era Can’t make sense of one indicator of price of sword during Viking Age I’ve been wondering about the price of a sword during the Viking Era. Tripped across two indicators on the same day. One […]
October 5, 2019Viking Era Overview of silver and coin usage in Viking Era Short overview of the evolution of the means of exchange during Viking Era can be found in Viking Currency, an article by […]
October 3, 2019October 3, 2019Viking Era Recap of payments made to Viking raiders, called Danegeld. Some day I plan to collate all the comments I’ve read on the amount of Danegeld and other money accumulated by various […]