What is a cow worth today? That provides a framework for valuation in ancient times.
Comparing prices and values over a long period of time is tough to do.
For example, how can we compare the cost to live for a year in the Viking Age to today? How can we understand the cost of a sword that cost X ounces of silver?
This involves not only converting the value of silver then to now but also adjusting for the very low standard of living then (you hope all your family survives the winter and hope you live long enough to see a grandchild from each of your children) to the high standard of living with long life expectancy today.
One way is to look at the value of something back then and the value of something today.
This post looks at the value of a cow today in order to provide some frame of reference for ancient times.
What is a cow worth today?
An article from Farm and Ranch Guide back in 2012 gives some good info: What’s a cow worth? Determining the value of a cow important to success. (Update: Link no longer works. Article is not visible on that website. Several articles on the ‘net refer to the article but don’t have the text. I can’t find the original article.)
Article provides education on how to price cows and calculate their production. Lots of brand new information for me and the detail would be good training for someone learning to run a farm.
Here is some info relevant to my blog: