March 25, 2020Pondering When will this mess from the pandemic be over? Focus on the idea that it will end, not what that date will be. When will we be done with this stay-at-home restriction? When will the economy recover? When will we be back to “normal?” […]
February 19, 2020February 19, 2020Other eras Raising watermelons as cash crop. One source of cash on my grandparent’s farm was raising watermelons, going to town, then selling them for cash. That provided a […]
February 12, 2020U.S. Civil War Gettysburg Address. A tribute to the memory and legacy of Abraham Lincoln as we remember his birth on February 12, 1809. The Gettysburg Address, […]
February 8, 2020February 8, 2020comparison data, U.S. Civil War Prices of slaves on the eastern shore of Maryland before the Civil War. Watched the uplifting and depressing movie Harriet last night. Second time I’ve seen it. Fabulous tale about the efforts of Harriet Tubman […]
January 13, 2020January 13, 2020Viking Era Tidbits on money and fighting in the Viking Age Fun article on Viking coinage and more tidbits on fighting techniques. Coins in the Viking Era Some background on striking coins during […]
January 9, 2020December 31, 2019Middle Ages, Viking Era Norwegian Forest Cat – cute, handy pet of the Vikings Yes, there is such a breed. The Norwegian Forest Cat runs on the large size, with males ranging from 13 to […]
January 6, 2020January 6, 2020Other eras More thoughts about life on a farm in 1946 Been thinking more on what life was like on the farm after my grandfather passed away. Consider the cash expenses again – […]
January 3, 2020December 29, 2019Other eras A wild guess on the parts of King Solomon’s wealth that can be quantified – part 4 Let’s try bringing together the previous guesses (can’t even call them estimates) of the value of those portions of King Solomon’s wealth […]
December 30, 2019January 3, 2020Other eras Observations of life on a farm in 1946 Life was hard after my grandfather passed from this vale of tears. Any way you look at the income and expenses it […]
December 27, 2019December 8, 2019Other eras Guess at value of 1946 estate expressed in 2019 dollars The values assigned to my grandfather’s estate when it was probated are listed here. My determination of a adjustment factor of […]