April 9, 2019January 31, 2020Roman Empire Equipment of a Roman Legionnaire The clothing and weaponry of a Legionnaire in the Roman army are described in a series of posts. This fits well with […]
April 8, 2019April 27, 2022Roman Empire Gladius, sword used by Roman Legionnaires. Other edged weapons. The gladius is a short sword, about 2 feet long, used by soldiers in the Roman army. In the hands of trained […]
January 19, 2019January 20, 2019Other eras, U.S. Civil War Inflation factors during the Civil War and an indication of relative wages in the 1860s. An insightful indicator of wages during the Civil War can be found in The Cause Lost: Myths and Realities of the Confederacy, […]
January 19, 2019January 19, 2019U.S. Civil War Covering the controlled territory, battles, and casualties of the Civil War in a very short video? A superb creative visualization. Note: This was originally posted on September 11, 2013 at my other blog, Nonprofit Update. It is cross-posted here because it kinda’ […]
October 19, 2018January 20, 2019Viking Era More background on the Viking Age, part 3 of 3 This series of posts describes fun things I learned while reading A Dark History: Vikings, by Martin Dougherty. You might find it […]
October 18, 2018October 19, 2018Viking Era More background on the Viking Age, part 2 of 3 This series of posts describes fun things I learned while reading A Dark History: Vikings, by Martin Dougherty. You might find it […]
October 17, 2018April 9, 2019Viking Era More background on the Viking Age, part 1 of 3 Another fun read on Viking history is A Dark History: Vikings, by Martin Dougherty. You might find it on the discount shelf […]
October 2, 2018October 1, 2018comparison data, Middle Ages Wages for crew on Christopher Columbus’ ships. Wages paid to the crew and a current understanding of crew list for Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the Americas is provided […]
October 1, 2018comparison data, Middle Ages Cost and time to cross the Atlantic has dropped by more than 90% in the last 500 years. Transatlantic travel time has dropped radically in the last 500 years. Time to transit the Atlantic has dropped about 99% and cost […]
July 20, 2018January 19, 2019U.S. Civil War Travel times during mid 1800s. Here are a few data points from the Civil War era for travel times and logistics as mentioned in William Tecumseh Sherman: […]